速報APP / 教育 / CaseTools - Consulting Prep...

CaseTools - Consulting Prep...



檔案大小:35.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


CaseTools - Consulting Prep...(圖1)-速報App

Are you preparing for your next Consulting Interview? CaseTools is the Consulting Interview Guide for your pocket. Now you can prepare for you next Interview with an app, specifically designed for mobile learning.

Beautiful designed and high-quality content helps you acing the next interview with a top Management or Strategy Consulting Firm!


# Learn how to prepare and perform during the case interview

CaseTools - Consulting Prep...(圖2)-速報App

# Over 20+ commonly asked consulting interview questions

# Detailed description of more than 8+ Business Frameworks like the BCG Matrix, Porter's Five Forces and many more

# Improve your professionalism and eloquence by getting to know the consulting glossary

# Get market-sizing facts like population, GDP or inflation rate of over 50+ countries

CaseTools - Consulting Prep...(圖3)-速報App

# Tips and tricks

# Beautifully designed interactive elements and visuals

# Learn on-the-go. Wherever and whenever you want

# Built to run offline. No wifi or data connection needed

CaseTools - Consulting Prep...(圖4)-速報App


"Finally, a mobile app which helps me preparing for the case interview. No more carrying of books." – Patrick, Student Consultant

"Love how the app is structured! Due to the offline capability, I can quickly go through the most important facts right before the interview." – Laura, Business Student

"I have read pretty much all of the preparation books. CaseTools was able to compress the most important facts into a beautifully designed app. I would definitely recommend it!" – Joe, Consulting Associate

CaseTools - Consulting Prep...(圖5)-速報App

> Download and try for free now!

CaseTools - Your Consulting Interview Guide

CaseTools - Consulting Prep...(圖6)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad